So you are a user, and you want to read your email.  Well, there are a myriad of ways you can go about that, two of which I will describe here.

The Telnet Way

You can log in with telnet.  Open up a telnet window in whatever way you see fit.  A popular method is to choose "Run" from the Windows Start menu.  Enter 'telnet' and hit OK.  When telnet starts up, select "Remote System" from the Connect menu.  Enter "" (don't worry if it doesn't all fit in the window), set the port to "telnet" and set the terminal to "vt100".  Click on "Connect", and then log in with your username and password.

On subsequent logins, you should be able to choose directly from the Connect menu without having to enter all of that information.  Isn't that nice of it to remember?

The Netscape Way

If you are tired of using the venerable but text-based Pine email reader, there is a more elegant, or at least more graphical, solution.  You can configure Netscape Messenger as your mail reader.  Here are the step-by-step instructions for Netscape Communicator version 4.7.  Other versions should be similar.

Before all of these steps, you need to find out what server to use for outgoing mail.  Since does not provide actual connectivity, this shouldn't be a problem.  Just set the 'outgoing mail server' to whatever you ISP tells you to use.If it is already set, just ignore it.

  1. Open up Netscape (either Messenger or the regular Web browser).
  2. Select Preferences from the Edit menu.
  3. Expand the Mail & Newsgroups section of the category list by clicking on the little plus next to it.
  4. Select the Identity category.
  5. Enter your name as you would like it to appear in the Your name field.  This can be practically anything, the computer won't care.
  6. Enter your email address ( into the Email address field.  If you have a special mail alias that is different from your login, you can enter that ( if you wish.
  7. Select the Mail Servers category from the category list.
  8. In the second group of options, set the Outgoing mail server to your ISP's mail server.  A good guess is something like, or whatever your ISP is actually named but with "mail." in front of it.
  9. In the first group of options, click on the Add button.
  10. Enter in the Server Name field.
  11. Enter your login name in the User Name field (Your email address without the part).
  12. Click on OK in the Mail Server Properties window.
  13. Click on OK in the Preferences window.
That should be it!  Now you can use Netscape Messenger (select Messenger from the Communicator menu) to read all of those exciting advertisements and sick jokes you are always getting.
This file was last updated March 2, 2000


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